Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Week (and a few days) in Review

This week's week in review comes a bit late, but it's for good reason. I wanted to wait until I had pictures taken and posted of our most recent creation, Classic Gentleman Solid Cologne. Also listed this week were Barbershop Gentleman Solid Colognes.

Solid colognes are nice for a couple reasons. First, they don't create that nasty cloud of stink around you that spray scents can. As posted in the product listings, in our opinion, real gentleman should wear their scents close to them for themselves and those close to them to enjoy. No one wants to be overpowered by your smell as you walk past. To put on a solid cologne you rub your finger across the top and then apply it to pulse points. The oils contained are not only good for your skin, but hold the delightful scents close to you, not drifting away into the air.

Solid colognes are also nice because they are very portable. The 0.5 oz tin can easily fit into most any spot, so it's easy to keep one on you. Though really, they last long enough that the tin can just be left in the bathroom, or wherever you usually get ready for the day. You shouldn't need constant reapplication. Matt puts some cologne on in the morning (we're partial to the Classic Gentleman scent) and I can still smell it at the end of the day. Still, it would be a good idea to toss one in a gym bag, or if you wanted to keep a separate scent in the car as your "after work" scent.

The 0.5 oz sizes of Old Timey Dry Skin Salve were scooped up before I could even list them in the store. If you were looking to get one, sorry. I will probably do a more medium sized 2oz size sometime in the future.

In response to a request from some of our customers, we will be working on a new line of soaps that focus on the considered therapeutic and aroma-therapeutic properties of the herbs and essential oils they contain. In addition to tea tree and rosemary (the Robust Gentleman in our men's line), I'm working on spearmint and basil, grapefruit and bergamot, and lavender and clary sage. This new line of soaps, Yoga Soaps, should be available in May or June.

If anyone didn't see already, we were featured in a new men's style blog www.iamthelab.com! Go check it out. There are a lot of really cool things on there. I'm particularly fond of that mustard-colored jacket from JandHP Vintagewear and the watch from Dezeen Watch Store. Plus the design and layout of the blog is really nice.

We recently worked out the details of our wholesale program, so if you are a retailer interested in selling any of The Gentleman's Soap Company's products, please contact us at thegentlemanssoapcompany@gmail.com

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