Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Meet the Soaps - The Culinary Gentleman

The Culinary Gentleman may want the scent of garlic and onion in the air, but certainly not on his hands.
This soap is our version of the classic kitchen soap. Handmade in the cold process method of soap making, this style includes saponified castor, coconut, olive, and palm oils, with the addition of shea butter, coffee, coffee grounds and essential oils. The shea butter helps to keep your frequently-washed hands soft.

If you've never tried kitchen soap before, you're in for a treat. It's not just for the kitchen, but is great for any grimey activity, including working in the garden or garage. The coffee doesn't add scent to the soap, but instead helps to remove scents and odors from your hands. Coffee grounds help to exfoliate and remove dirt, grime, and oils from your hands.

We tested this soap on our more culinary-inclined family. We also tested on ourselves by rubbing our hands with chopped onion and garlic to see if the soap would help with the stink - it did. One of our testers said she has to be careful about the soaps she uses due to eczema, but was delighted to find that not only were her hands not bothered, they felt softer after using the Culinary Gentleman. Another of our testers used this soap after working in the yard, was happy to find that this soap even took pine sap off her hands.

The Culinary Gentleman comes wrapped in our signature style - gray recycled paper and a cigar-band style ribbon, in this case a wine colored ribbon. Brightly citrus scented.

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