Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gentlemen we like - Hank Hill

Okay so he's not a real person. Still, there aren't too many real people, or other cartoon characters for that matter, that are as gentlemanly as Hank. We like him because of his pride, honesty, dedication, good manners, respect, and most of all, his way of putting his family first. He's always there to lend a helping hand to friends, even against his best judgment sometimes, and respects all those around him, almost to the point of fault. You'd never see such a dedicated worker in a real person. Hank even goes to work when he's sick or injured, and picks up the slack for his boss, even when he probably shouldn't.

Hank may be a little closed-minded and afraid of change, but he rarely does anything with an intent to harm anyone. That is, unless someone threatens the things he cares for- then he's going to kick said person's ass. He likes his country, his state, his city, and his lawn, drinking the same beer with the same friends he's had since high school, and grilling. He is a true family man and ultimately supports his wife and son even when they do things he really doesn't agree with.

Besides all that, he's hilarious.

Yep, I'd say Hank's a pretty all-around good guy, and I hope if I ever go to Texas I find some real-person equivalent to befriend and eat barbecue with.

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