Friday, June 17, 2011

Websites we like - Primer Magazine

In every gentleman's life there comes a point where it's time to pack up the old bedroom, or college dorm, or parent's basement, and set off into the world. Perhaps you already have the knowledge you need to land the perfect job and the perfect girl, become VP by age 30, and quickly achieve the American dream - all while looking good. Or maybe not. For the vast majority of guys who fall into the 'maybe not' category, Primer Magazine is for you.

Primer Magazine bills itself as "A guy's post-college guide to growing up. Affordable style, how-to's, and self development for the everyday 20-something man." Consider Primer as picking up where the male role models in your life left off, or got to old to model anymore. Written for young men, by young men (and occasionally women), Primer's posts span a wide range of topics without losing sight of its audience. Style tips, Q&As, visual guides, dating advice, and articles on everything from finance to food to fitness keep the magazine interesting and ensures there is something for every developing man.

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